We work to provide a safe environment for your home or office.


You never know when the next storm will hit. You don't know when a transformer will blow. Having a generator keeps your home and and office functioning like normal - without interruption. 


Automatically protect your home or business with a permanently installed backup generator.


Running on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel, a permanently installed backup generator sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit. You can back up your entire property or only the essential outlets by delivering power directly to your electrical system. We offer multiple models to best suit the needs for your home or business.



Keep your generator functioning and ready for action with regular maintenance.


Once you have invested in a Generac automatic backup generator, you’ll never be and without power. But generators are machines, like cars, and they need to be properly maintained to perform as intended. Electex Energy Services performs maintenance on all Generac generators even if we did not complete the original installation.